Homeschool Your
Children In Good Faith.

Enroll in Christian Liberty Homeschools to discover the power
of Christian homeschooling for K-12 students.

We’ve helped over 100,000 families

with their homeschooling needs | Christian Liberty Homeschools

Early Bird Enrollment Rates Through April 15, 2025

With Christian Liberty Homeschools, Your Child’s Future Is In Great Hands.

Christian Liberty Homeschools is a pioneer of the modern home school movement and has helped thousands of families to get started—and succeed—in home schooling.

Over 100,000 families helped nationally & worldwide
Accredited by the National Association of Private Schools
Graduates accepted by leading colleges, universities, & military academies

What Sets Christian Liberty Homeschools Apart From Other Homeschooling Options?

Homeschooling With Christian Liberty Has Incredible Benefits.

In Good Faith.

We see from the Scriptures that the God who is sovereign over education has commanded Christian parents to raise up children who know Him, love Him, and follow Him in every area of life.

1:1 Teaching
In Good Faith.

You are in charge of your child’s education. You pick the curriculum, the books, the activities, etc. You can build a safe and supportive learning environment, consistent with your values.

On Your Time
In Good Faith.

Flexible schedules can make room for a diverse set of activities – music, sports, specialty clubs, etc. Homeschoolers can take vacations during non-peak times and turn family outings into field trips.

Mother Toddler Playing

Educational Control
In Good Faith.

Homeschooling allows every family to develop and implement their own approach to learning. Our Christian homeschool curriculum can be adapted to support your child’s abilities and learning style.

Mother Toddler

Hear What Current
Parents Are Saying.

We can tell you about the amazing things we can do for your future Christian homeschoolers, but we think our parents can tell you better. After all, what they think is what really matters.

Discover The Latest From Christian Liberty Homeschools

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Mother Toddler
Mother Toddler Playing

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