
All Grades

Below is more information about the elementary, junior high, and high school grade level courses available. Information for each course will include suggested grade levels, cost, description, and a listing of the materials used. Linked course names will take you to a “look inside” of the primary text.


#69905 The World God Made

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course uses each of the six days of creation as a launching pad for a broad discussion of scientific concepts, including the solar system, plants, animals, and the human body. Activities and review questions are included to help with comprehension and retention.

Course Materials:

The World God Made, 2nd edition | ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 92 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 23 pages

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#60115 God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course helps to build a student’s love for science through the introduction of concepts such as health, weather, seasons, seeds, animals, and the seashore.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – God’s World K5, 4th edition | ©2012 Abeka Book Publishers | 86 pages
• Answer Key – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press

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#69910 Our Father's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course follows a more traditional format to studying science by examining the things that God has made: everything, day and night, seasons, plants, insects, animals, and people. Activities, vocabulary words, and review questions are included to engage and help with comprehension.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Our Father’s World, 2nd edition | ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 103 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 23 pages
• Test Packet – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 8 tests

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#60215 Discovering God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This general science course focuses on a world of discovery, looking at the basics of the human body, simple machines, animals, insects, plants, and seasons.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Discovering God’s World, 4th edition | ©2015 Abeka Book Publishers | 130 pages
• Answer Key – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press
• Test Packet – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 6 tests

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#69915 God's Wonderful Works

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course uses the six days of creation as a launching pad for a basic study of numerous scientific concepts, such as the solar system, weather and seasons, plants, animals, and the human body.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – God’s Wonderful Works: The Creation in Six Days | ©1999 Christian Liberty Press | 140 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2000 Christian Liberty Press | 28 pages
• Test Packet – ©2008 Christian Liberty Press | 9 tests

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#60325 Enjoying God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This general science course addresses the curiosity young students have about the world around them. Topics of exploration include the human body, plants, animals, matter, energy, and space.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Enjoying God’s World, 5th edition | ©2017 Abeka Book Publishers | 200 pages
• Answer Key – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press
• Test Packet – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 6 tests

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#69920 Exploring God's Creation

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course exposes students to basic science concepts in the fields of physics and chemistry, geology and botany, astronomy and weather, and biology and health, often utilizing hands-on experiments.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Exploring God’s Creation, 2nd edition | ©2021 Christian Liberty Press | 193 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2021 Christian Liberty Press | 30 pages
• Test Packet – ©2021 Christian Liberty Press | 10 tests

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#60330 Exploring God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



With material presented in the order of the days of creation, this course presents a study on energy, atmosphere, the earth’s surface, plants, the solar system, animals, and the human body. The scientific method is also taught through hands-on experiments.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Exploring God’s World, 5th edition | ©2018 Abeka Book Publishers | 344 pages
• Answer Key – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press
• Test Packet – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 10 tests

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#60240 Understanding God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This general science course examines topics such as scientific method, insects, plants, birds, water, air, weather, sound and hearing, geology, oceanography, and astronomy. Activities and experiments are included to enhance the student’s understanding.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Understanding God’s World, 4th edition | ©2008 Abeka Book Publishers | 237 pages
• Answer Key – ©2009 Christian Liberty Press | 51 pages
• Test Packet – ©2009 Christian Liberty Press | 8 tests

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#60350 Investigating God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This general science course examines the scientific method; mammals; light; rocks, minerals, and soil; the sea and sea creatures; energy and engines; astronomy and weather; and vertebrate animals. Activities and experiments are included to enhance the student’s understanding.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Investigating God’s World, 4th edition | ©2009 Abeka Book Publishers | 322 pages
• Answer Key – ©2010 Christian Liberty Press | 33 pages
• Test Packet – ©2010 Christian Liberty Press | 5 tests

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#60460 Observing God's World

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This general science course examines topics such as plants, invertebrates, the Earth, the universe, space exploration, and the building blocks of chemistry. Activities and experiments are included to enhance the student’s understanding.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Observing God’s World, 4th edition | ©2010 Abeka Book Publishers | 348 pages
• Answer Key – ©2011 Christian Liberty Press | 43 pages
• Test Packet – ©2011 Christian Liberty Press | 6 tests

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#60375 Science: Order and Design

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This life science course covers topics such as plants; the human body (interrelated systems and living a healthy life); creation and science; classification, mammals; birds; fish, reptiles, and amphibians; insects; invertebrates; cells and other microscopics; forestry; and ecology. Activities and experiments are included to enhance student understanding.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Science: Order and Design, 2nd edition | ©2017 Abeka Book Publishers | 536 pages
• Answer Key – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 49 pages
• Test Packet – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 13 tests

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#69215 Exploring Creation with General Science

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course examines a wide range of science branches (such as archaeology, astronomy, geology, meteorology, chemistry, physics, and the life sciences), providing a solid transition between elementary and high school level science. As they complete the fourteen subject modules, students will learn the scientific method, how to record data and report it, and how to create and read several types of graph types.

Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Exploring Creation With General Science, 3rd edition | ©2019 Apologia Education Ministries | 434 pages
• Answer Key –  Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With General Science, 3rd edition | ©2018 Apologia Education Ministries | 83 pages
• Test Packet – Test Packet for Exploring Creation With General Science, 3rd edition | ©2018 Apologia Education Ministries | 13 tests

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#60480 Science: Earth and Space

Suggested Grade Level:

8th - 10th

Academic Credit:

1.0 (if assigned at the high school level)

Additional Course Charge:





This general physical science text investigates the fields of geology, oceanography, meteorology, astronomy, and environmental science. It is written from a Christian point of view with the understanding that God both created and sustains the universe. One goal of the text is to help students understand what it means for mankind to have dominion over and take proper care of the environment as good stewards of Creation.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Science: Earth and Space, 2nd edition | ©2018 Abeka Book Publishers | 551 pages
• Answer Key – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 58 pages
• Test Packet – ©2019 Christian Liberty Press | 13 tests

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#69225 Exploring Creation With Physical Science

Suggested Grade Level:

9th - 11th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:





This course provides a detailed introduction to numerous physical science topics, including: air, atmosphere, water, the hydrosphere, earth and the lithosphere, weather, the physics of motion, forces in creation, waves and sound, light, and astrophysics (gravity, the solar system, radiation, stars, and galaxies).

Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Exploring Creation With Physical Science, 2nd edition | ©2007 Apologia Education Ministries | 498 pages
• Answer Key –  Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With Physical Science, 2nd edition | ©2007 Apologia Education Ministries | 168 pages
• Test Packet – Test Packet for Exploring Creation With Physical Science, 2nd edition | ©2007 Apologia Education Ministries | 16 tests

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#60285 Science: Matter and Energy

Suggested Grade Level:

9th - 11th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:





This course teaches fundamental properties and behavior of matter and energy with a focus on their chemical and physical interactions. It includes application to familiar processes and devices. It also provides a basic introduction to the mathematical aspects of science, laying a firm foundation for future studies in chemistry, physics, and other fields.

Course Materials:

• Textbook– Science: Matter and Energy | ©2012 Abeka Book Publishers | 417 pages
• Answer Key – ©2013 Christian Liberty Press | 27 pages
• Test Packet – ©2013 Christian Liberty Press | 12 tests

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#68910 Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity

Suggested Grade Level:

9th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:





This course is a comprehensive study of the science of biology. It utilizes a Christian perspective in examining the biological systems and processes of plants and animals. The book also features an analysis of human biological systems and processes, as well as a discussion of creation verses evolution.

Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Biology: A Search for Order in Complexity, 2nd edition | ©2004 Christian Liberty Press | 418 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2005 Christian Liberty Press | 103 pages
• Test Packet – ©2008 Christian Liberty Press | 17 tests

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#60490 Biology: God's Living Creation

Suggested Grade Level:

9th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:





This course offers a complete study of biology from a Christian early-earth creationist perspective. Topics include botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and scientific methodology and philosophy as these interact with natural history and the theory of evolution.

Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Biology: God’s Living Creation, 4th edition | ©2016 Abeka Book Publishers | 551 pages
• Answer Key –  Biology: God’s Living Creation Answer Key, 4th edition | ©2016 Abeka Book Publishers | 62 pages
• Test Packet – ©2016 Christian Liberty Press | 10 tests

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#69330 Exploring Creation With Biology

Suggested Grade Level:

9th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:





This course provides a detailed introduction to the methods and concepts of general biology with heavy emphasis on the vocabulary of biology. Topics include the scientific method; the five kingdoms (moneraprotistafungianimalia, and plantae); taxonomy; microscopy; biochemistry; cellular biology; and genetics.


Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Exploring Creation With Biology, 2nd edition | ©2005 Apologia Education Ministries | 594 pages
• Answer Key –  Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With Biology, 2nd edition | ©2005 Apologia Education Ministries | 167 pages
• Test Packet – Test Packet for Exploring Creation With Biology, 2nd edition | ©2005 Apologia Education Ministries | 16 tests


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#69595 Lift Up Your Eye on High

Suggested Grade Level:

9th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:





This course helps students understand the stars from a Christian perspective. It points to God’s control over and plan for the stars as part of His creation.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Lift Up Your Eyes on High: Understanding the Stars | ©1999 Christian Liberty Press | 124 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2016 (rev ed) Christian Liberty Press | 48 pages
• Test Packet – ©2016 (rev ed) Christian Liberty Press | 7 tests

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#63495 Chemistry

Suggested Grade Level:

10th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:



Algebra 1 and biology


This high school chemistry course begins with the definition of matter and progresses through chemical reactions, solutions, acids and bases, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and nuclear changes. In a quest to understand the world the God created, students are exposed to both the visual, macroscopic effects of chemical reactions, as well as the unseen microscopic changes that are the actual chemistry. Case studies, webquests, mini-lab activities, ethics boxes, and review questions help students think like scientists and view chemistry from a biblical perspective.

Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Chemistry, 5th edition | ©2021 Bob Jones University Press | 627 pages
• Teacher’s Edition –  Chemistry Teacher’s Edition, 5th edition | ©2021 Bob Jones University Press | 2-volumes, 637 pages total
• Assessments Packet –  Assessments for Use With Chemistry, 5th edition | ©2021 Bob Jones University Press | 66 quizzes; 22 tests

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#60495 Chemistry: Precision and Design

Suggested Grade Level:

10th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:



Algebra 1 and biology


This course explores a wide range of topics related to the chemistry field, all based on biblical principles. Topics include elements and compounds, chemical reactions, chemical thermodynamics, structure of the atom, the periodic table, intermolecular forces, metals, non-metals, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acids, bases, oxidation, and nuclear chemistry.

Course Materials:

• Textbook –  Chemistry: Precision and Design, 3rd edition | ©2011 Abeka Book Publishers | 362 pages
• Answer Key –  Chemistry: Precision and Design Answer Key, 3rd edition | ©2011 Abeka Book Publishers | 48 pages
• Test Packet –  Chemistry: Precision and Design Tests, 3rd edition | ©2011 Abeka Book Publishers | 12 tests

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#69245 Exploring Creation With Chemistry

Suggested Grade Level:

10th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:



Algebra 1 and biology


This beginning high school chemistry course discusses measurement and significant figures; the chemistry of energy, heat, and temperature; states of matter and chemical equations; stoichiometry; atomic and molecular structure; acid/base reactions; the chemistry of solutions; the gas laws; thermodynamics; kinetics; chemical equilibrium; and redox reactions.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Exploring Creation With Chemistry, 3rd edition | ©2014 Apologia Education Ministries | 650 pages
• Answer Key – Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With Chemistry, 3rd edition | ©2013 Apologia Education Ministries | 330 pages
• Test Packet – Test Packet for Exploring Creation With Chemistry, 3rd edition | ©2013 Apologia Education Ministries | 16 tests

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#69250 Exploring Creation With Physics

Suggested Grade Level:

11th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:



Chemistry and saxon algebra 2 (or equivalent)


This general physics course covers motion in one and two dimensions with an emphasis on vectors, applications of Newton’s laws, gravity, energy and work, periodic motion, momentum, waves, optics, magnetism, electrostatics, electrodynamics, and circuits.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Exploring Creation With Physics, 2nd edition | ©2004 Apologia Education Ministries | 601 pages
• Answer Key – Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With Physics, 2nd edition | ©2004 Apologia Education Ministries | 302 pages
• Test Packet – Test Packet for Exploring Creation With Physics, 2nd edition | ©2004 Apologia Education Ministries | 16 tests

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#60295 Physics: The Foundational Science

Suggested Grade Level:

11th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:



Algebra 1 and geometry (algebra 2 recommended)


This course introduces basic physics concepts. Coursework examines fundamental laws of matter and energy, velocity and acceleration, thermodynamics and heat, acoustics and sound waves, reflection and refraction of light, electricity, magnetism, and quantum theory.

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Physics: The Foundational Science, 2nd edition | ©2011 Abeka Book Publishers | 126 pages
• Solutions Key – Physics: The Foundational Science Solution Key, 2nd edition | ©2011 Abeka Book Publishers | 466 pages
• Test Packet – Physics: The Foundational Science Tests, 2nd edition | ©2011 Abeka Book Publishers | 12 tests

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#69265 Exploring Creation With Advanced Biology

Suggested Grade Level:

11th - 12th

Academic Credit:


Additional Course Charge:



Biology and chemistry


This advanced biology course studies the detailed anatomy and physiology of the eleven organ systems of the human body (skin and bones, skeletal muscle, central nervous, peripheral nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems).

Course Materials:

• Textbook – Exploring Creation With Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd edition | ©2013 Apologia Education Ministries | 577 pages
• Answer Key – Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation With Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd edition | ©2013 Apologia Education Ministries | 128 pages
• Test Packet – Test Packet for Exploring Creation With Advanced Biology: The Human Body, 2nd edition | ©2013 Apologia Education Ministries | 16 tests

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