
Third Grade Curriculum

Below is more information about the elementary, junior high, and high school grade level courses available. Information for each course will include suggested grade levels, cost, description, and a listing of the materials used. Linked course names will take you to a “look inside” of the primary text.


#42430 English 3: Writing and Grammar

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course combines grammar and writing to teach students both the mechanics and the use of English. Chapters range from learning about sentences and the parts of speech to writing poems, instructions for a game, book reviews, persuasive essays, friendly letters, and research reports.

Course Materials:

• Workbook – English 3: Writing and Grammar, 3rd edition | ©2021 Bob Jones University Press | 386 pages
• Teacher’s Manual – ©2021 Christian Liberty Press | 60 pages
• Test Packet – ©2021 Christian Liberty Press | 14 tests

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#40235 Language 3

Suggested Grade Level:


Additional Course Charge:



This course focuses on writing complete sentences; learning basic grammar (e.g., punctuation, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms); writing creatively; and using a dictionary.

Course Materials:

• Workbook – Writing and Grammar Work-text Language 3, 5th edition | ©2018 Abeka Book Publishers | 201 pages
• Answer Key – ©2020 Christian Liberty Press | 77 pages
• Test Packet – ©2020 Christian Liberty Press | 15 tests

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